Your Triathlon Headquarters

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

sweet article- thanks to hunter and chris

thanks to hunter reed for writing the article and Chris McCartney for taking the sweetest pics ever!! thanks guys....
if anyone cares to read it you can find it here..

Wed apr 28

am swim- long course meters, 4k meters, main set 6x500 descending 1-3 and arms are blasted because I have swam more in 2 days than I usually do most weeks but I made it through...times between 7:15-7:40...not great but not terrible considering my degree of soreness....

pm run- 8 mi running easy! I am applying to the Ragged mountain racing post collegiate development team in town, we will see if they let a triathlete in?? not sure?? but if I start up with those guys I dont think i'll get too much easy running so I have to enjoy it now!

pm weights- I am starting an aggressive weight routine on my arms- mostly lats, triceps, deltoids, help my swimming get faster cause I got baby weak arms..this is totally new to my training and I finally have time to do it! also going to start core stuff which i havent been doing either---generally you want to start these things in way preseason mode so I am not really doing this right but whatever, not going to worry about that now.....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

last week, monday, tues

took the week off and just did some easy stuff for fun...
back to some funness this week...

swim pm- 3600, main set was 4x (3x100 hard, 1x100 easy all on 1:30... all 12 hard ones between 1:06 and excited, this is sooo much faster than I have been doing =)) )

pm run- 6 miles easy easy with wes

am swim- 4800yds, main set (500, 2x400 pull, 3x300, 4x200 pull, 5x100)...dustin wrote this

pm bike- 2 hours, 38 mi with BBB 3 steady (and some delicious zone 2 =)) )

going to build up again this week with a big base week but going to stay away from hard workouts..ill restart hard stuff next next big race is still 9 weeks away...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

RACE REPORT- Collegaite Nats...

I really dont know what my times were cause of my timining chip issues but here are my best guess- the only one I am fairly confident of is the swim cause I know who was around when I got out:

swim (600ishm)- 7:10ish
bike (40K but worst conditions in the world)- 1:10:30ish
run (6.6-6.7 mi- much longer than 10k)- 41:00ish (? I know instinctively I was running around 6:10/mi pace whatever that is...)
transitions- the speed of a glacier moving towards the sea....
overall time: 2:03:10

swim- 53 degree water...the swim was the most vicious swim ever...I have several bruises and a goose egg on my head from the fallout...around the first buoy I got the two handed shove on my head underwater...I went under about 10 feet and popped back up backwards with the entire field swimming over me...I just really need to improve my open water swimming...I realized that is my biggest weakness- specifically open water...So I finished the 600ish meter swim in about 7:10, roughly around 40 seconds behind the leader...the swim was cut in half (it was supposed to be 750) due to the conditions...

T1- more getting beat up: On my way in, I ran over someones wetsuit and it slipped out form under me. I hit the ground with my left hip,knee and hand- all of which have big bruises on them today...I got up, flustered, found my bike where I struggled to put on my shoes and helmet becuase I was having adrenaline issues after the wipe out, I lost considerable time

Bike- I started the bike in about 12th place...I quickly caught a bunch of people right out of transition...there was a big hill at the beginning (I am pretty dominant on hills without a lot of effort)...then I just kept passing people like crazy...I couldnt believe it- the conditions were terrible (completely wet course, 40s temperature, 20mph winds constantly with 25+mph gusts) but I felt great, I never really felt like I was going that hard but by the turn around I was already in 3rd place and passed all the favorites in the race...I did get passed by one girl from texas tech who had the fastest bike split (wow she was fast!!!) but I am pretty sure I had the second fastest bike split of the day and I think the race was won on the bike for me...I knew at the turn around on the bike, when I passed last years winner- who is very good, that I had a really good chance to win

T2-my feet were completely numb- I couldnt feel anything below my ankles, I was freaked out that I would roll an ankle and not even feel it...had a lot of trouble getting on my shoes- I need to practice transitions obviously....pathetic..

Run- Started the run more than a minute + back,...started out steady, couldnt feel my feet for the first 1.5 miles, miserable...but at the first turnaround (1.5 mi in) two great things happened: I could feel my feet again!! and I caught the two girls in front of me....after the turn around I saw the two girls who race ITU and who are very good- I think they were probably 90 seconds back at that point- they looked like they were charging like mad...when I run I get lazy unless someone is really threatening I just continued at a somewhat cruise race pace until the 3 mi turnaround when I could see what they were doing....last years winner was still about 90 sec -2 mins back and the second place from last year was falling back from her I just keep grinding at a good but relatively comfortable race pace until the final turn around...when I saw she was still 2 mins back, I relaxed and didnt have to worry about getting caught....I cruised in and i dont think anyone expected me to be coming cause no one had the tape up so I had to slow down in the chute for them to get the tape ready....crazy- I guess that is what happens when you are not supposed to win.....

So I crossed the finished line and didnt realize there were a bay of cameras in front of me..I kind of looked at it and realized what it was and so just stood there (kind of like an idiot) for about 5-10seconds with the banner over my head...not sure what to do but I figured they might want a picture becuase I hadnt given them anything to work with- I totally forgot about that part...I guess I am still a real novice- oh well....

Monday, April 19, 2010


Wow, so I won collegiate nats...I thought I had a good shot in my own mind- though nobody else might have known about me..what a great position to be in...- there is so much more to be learned from it all that way....

I am in a very contemplative mood since the race so I am going to share a little of that- something I normally dont do...Ill write a true race report tomorrow for anyone interested in that...

I have been thinking on the value of triathlon and how this experience translates into life...I think there are many correlates, but the thing I want to share is thoughts on fear and doubt...I used to have a lot of fear of failure and self doubt in college, especially earlier on and especially in big races, this would be difficult to control and keep at bay so I could race well...that has subsided over the years but now it is gone from me now- which may sound like a small thing but it really isnt. And I think this has to do with my faith. I have always had a weak faith and major doubts not only in myself but also in the existence of a God that really loves us (how could this be with all the horror and suffering in the world?, I was always not fully sure)- but I have just been blessed with this deep faith in the past 6 months or so that I never know existed for people. Even through certain recent personal tragedies I am walking through now- I have been freed in a certain way...I think this triathlon championship is just a small representation of where I am at in my personal journey of faith right now...I have everything I need now and it is a permanent sustainer...I also have loving friends, parents, family, husband- I am so blessed now and I see that now when I didnt really see it earlier. I have nothing to lose now because I already have everything I need and those things cannot be taken from me...this has really made me more fear or failure or self doubt- those things seem so far away now...

And all of this is not about winning triathlons of course...

I am just hoping that whatever successes I have can somehow be used to positively impact other people- even if it is just encouragement, something small or whatever- I just dont know how to use this in a positive way yet- I am hoping that will become more clear, I have never been great at this and have always been much more selfish with time and energy than I might have hoped for myself but I just pray that this experience can be used for what it was intended, to benefit somebody in some way despite my own human tendencies towards pure self-involvement....

Triathlons showcase such a great display of humanity...I am proud to be involved in this sport...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

sat apr 9

off- please let me get over this cold soon!!!

fri apr 8

am swim, 3k main set 8x200, 1-4 descend, 5-8 hold steady...2:39, 2:35, 2:28, 2:25, 2:25, 2:26, 2:25, 2:26....dustin paced me for most of it until his googles broke...thanks dustin!

pm run- 8mi, 3x (3min at 10k, 90 sec easy, 2 min at 5k, 1 min easy, 1min at 1500m pace, 30 sec easy, repeat)

I have gotten some type of cold and it is really doing it damage right now- coughing, sore throat, yellow/brown stuff, not good...think I need to rest for a bit now...I can only make myself slower from this point on being so close to the race (next saturday...) so I think i need to chill and kick this cold....

thus apr 7


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

wed apr 7

pm bike- 1:30 zone 2.5-3ish steady...

pm swim- 4k, main set: 3x800 descend on 12:00 (averages for each: 1:19, 1:17, 1:14)...2x (2x100 build on 1:30, 4x50 hard on 50 sec)...w/o courtesy of dustin again, as always

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

tues apr 6

am - long run, 12mi, 1:30 easy...ran through the appomattox courthouse where the civil war ended- highly recommend running here if you are ever in appomattox for some reason- lots of fire roads and open fields to run was super erie in the early morning with the fog rolling over all these open fields where so many people died....creepy but also historic and cool...

pm-bike, 33 mi, 1:45: main set- 4x (10 mins at 40KTT pace, 2 min easy, 5 mins at 20KTT pace, 1 min easy..repeat).....trying to get a little bit shorter speedier stuff in now that I am getting closer to my race on apr 17....

Mon apr 5

day off, super tired

Sunday, April 4, 2010

weekly totals

total time: 16:40

bike: 8:15 (hoping to be closer to 10 but you cant always have what you want...)
run: 33.5mi
swim: 14k yds

solid for now...

sun apr 4

easy easy bike- the easiest bike ever done while moving forward....3 hours, 45 miles (that is generous)... just wes and I so that was fun- we almost never train just us so that was great!

pm swim- 2800yds, 1000 of drills, 1000 of stroke per distance....


Crazy Epicness, most ridiculous w/o yet!

bike- 45 mi total: no drafting 40k TT effort Jeff cup loops (10mi/loop)....1st interval- 2x loop (20 mis) 55:30...3 min rest...1xjeff cup loop (10mi) 28:10....avg over 22 mph....crazy!!! way faster than I thought I could do- without race wheels on a rolling course- I am super pysched!

brick track run right after at walton middle school: 3mi race pace- 18:28 (6:09/mi avg), 3 min rest, 2 mi faster 12:04 (6:02/mi avg), 3 mins rest, 1 mile 5:48.... 7 mi total with cool down- I little slower than i would have hoped but the bike was so much faster than I thought I dont care...

Thank you to dustin for helping me with this, no way I could have done this alone (Dustin had an amazing workout too!!)...thanks wes for organizing us!


friday apr 2

pm swim: 3600 yds, main set: 8x200 descend by 2s on 3:00 (2:39 down to 2:22), 8x100 descend by 2s on 1:20 (1:15 down to 1:09), 8x50 descend by 2s

crazy w/o planned for tomorrow

Thursday, April 1, 2010

thurs apr 1

pm bike- 90 min easy, 25 mi- bike still broken- trying not to totally destroy it so going easy on the chain

brick run right after- 30 min , 4 mi, easy

feeling super blah today....
hopefully i will get out of this funk soon- i have some major hard workouts planned for sat.....