Your Triathlon Headquarters

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

last week, monday, tues

took the week off and just did some easy stuff for fun...
back to some funness this week...

swim pm- 3600, main set was 4x (3x100 hard, 1x100 easy all on 1:30... all 12 hard ones between 1:06 and excited, this is sooo much faster than I have been doing =)) )

pm run- 6 miles easy easy with wes

am swim- 4800yds, main set (500, 2x400 pull, 3x300, 4x200 pull, 5x100)...dustin wrote this

pm bike- 2 hours, 38 mi with BBB 3 steady (and some delicious zone 2 =)) )

going to build up again this week with a big base week but going to stay away from hard workouts..ill restart hard stuff next next big race is still 9 weeks away...


  1. Nicole- Im a undergrad senior about to graduate and attend Optometry school. Love triathlon and really think I could do well in the future, Im just curious as to how you fit all this in plus med school. Get stressed out? overwhelmed? Just tryin to figure things out on my end. Really impressed with your training- Brian

  2. Hey brian! sorry, i didnt know how to look at my "comments" section until now...sorry i didnt respond earlier! you can tooootally do it...i think the trick is being a good time manager and also be willing to compromise with sleep sometimes...I would toootally encourage you to pursue both passions, maybe after getting settled into school for a live once right!?!
