Your Triathlon Headquarters

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

wed mar 31

pm bike- bad news, I was supposed to do a hard bike today but that is something wrong with my cogs and I wont be able to fix it til the weekend - I cant really ride hard on the cogs right now or I will break my chain pretty quick- huge bummer cause this is a super important week for me...
90 mins on bike easy- blah

for people taking workouts off of this: my plan was to do 8x10 mins 40KTT pace with 2 mins easy in between....

pm swim- 3k meters: 1k of easy drills, 1k of stroke per distance, 1k of swim/paddles....

tue mar 30

pm run- this is a really good hard workout: 11+ mi total, 1:25...main w/o is 6x8 min at 10K race pace, 2 min jog in between...this is modeled after the endless 2K repeats I used to do in college (plus about a min and a half to each interval) this is a tough w/o but totally great for strength- you can tell by the end!

pm swim- 4k Meters (crap- I dont know my intervals at all) main set: 800 descending, 2x600 IM pace, 2x400 half IM pace....I couldnt finish the workout because i ran out of time but it is supposed to be 3x400 and then 4x200....dustins workout...

I have to drive 30 mins each way to the only pool around...not ideal

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mon Mar 29

pm long run- 12 mi, 90 min easy with wes (he did a tempo in the middle- I, however, was lazy and did no such thing...)

I am getting ready for a huge week this week, my plan is 20ish hours, we will see how close I get.....

please let me have places to train in appomatox!! I already know I will be driving 30 mins each way every am to swim...yikes!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

sun march 28

really tired today, didnt accomplish what i wanted to this weekend but oh well

pm bike on trainer (raining outside)- 1:30 total: 3x20 min hard aerobic intervals...good sets for tri specific workouts...

low numbers this week, even for an easy week, better week starting tomorrow!

march 27-smithfield sprint

am race- smithfield sprint- 1st overall, 5th with the men..and unexpectedly beat the 3rd overall female at collegiate nats last year and winner of the 2012 talent ID competition I have raced yet and a confidence booster for nationals in 3 weeks....good day!!

post race: 1:15 bike zone 3

Dustin was 3rd in his AG and rocked for coming off injury! nice work!

wes comes back today!! Maybe he can help me with some training...

fri mar 26

pm swim: 5k, main set: 600 long on 9:00, 4x150 hard on 2:15 hard, 2x300 on 4:30 steady zone 4, 4x150 hard on 2:15, 600 descending on 9:00...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thur mar 25

pm- farlek w/o: 8+ mi total, 1 hr, main set: 4x (3min 5k pace, 90 sec easy, 2 min 3-5k pace, 1 min easy, 1 min 1500 pace, 30 sec easy, repeat)

this is a great pre race fartlek (althought I would probably do 2-3 sets if I was really trying to race well- not 4) but nonethe less, quick easy farlek just to put a little speed in the legs before a race...I used to do this all the time 2 days before a race at dartmouth....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

tues/wes march 23/24

tues- off! =)) big test on friday so trying to study...

wed- pm bike: 35 mi, 1:50, main set 6x 10 min intervals at 20kTT, 2 min easy in b/t

finally a great, fast workout...avg 20-21 on hilly blue ridge parkway...really feel like i am on the verge of a big breakthrough on the bike, i can feel it coming....finally!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mon march 22

pm easy long run- 90 mins, 12 mi...up and down mill mountain twice...the worse thing about going up a mountain is coming back down....I need a massage!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekly totals

So this week was supposed to be a down week but I too many hours at the end of the week, so next week will be my down week- that works better for my school schedule anyways....

total hrs: 16:30
swim- 10k (ugg! not good yet again)
bike: 10:45- yes! very happy with this
Run: 22 mi - doing my long run on monday instead of sunday so this is artificially low.....whatev..

Sunday Mar 21

afternoon bike- 2+ hours, 35 mi- super chill, recovery and fun! With robin and dustin (dustin way out in front the whole time circling back to get us- sorry dustin!)

pm swim- 5k, main set was dustin's w/o: 500 hard (6:08), 5oo easy (7:04) both on 7:30, 5x200 (all 2:28-2:29) on 2:40, 10x100- 2 hard, 1 easy, repeat all on 1:40 (hard 100's all 1:08-1:09)
felt better today...not as swim discouraged but I need to swim more!

congrats to wes for a great sermon given in Jamacia! apparently he blew the crowd away =)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday March 20!!

YES! great great day! the weather is in the 70s...

am bike with CRC- 50+ mi, 2:40- Great ride, stayed with the CRC lead group the whole time (Dee Dee, Eric Fletcher, Rudy, James, some fast CRC guys- the usual suspects), tried to do a little tempoing up a long steady hill for probably 5-10 mins then took a lot more pulls than I have been (still not pulling a lot but at least I didnt draft the ENTIRE time..) I felt really good today too and I know I was working harder than I have on any other sat ride!! Our avg was flying for the hard parts.....yes!

brick run right after- SWEET! 8 mi total, 10 min warm up, 3x10 min tempos on track with 2 mins easy in between ( mile splits: 5:58, 6:02, 6:07), 10 min cool down...ran the first one with phil- thank goodness cause I needed some help, phil is fast!...It was really hot today but I felt really strong mentally and physcially even though I ran out of water and was really feeling it by the last one...God is good- He gives and takes away but today he gave me an awesome day!

anyone reading this blog for ideas: I really think these Sat workouts that I have been doing are really great. Initially I didn't think they could be done- I thought they would be too hard, but I just decided to try, and now I think I can feel enormous benefit as far as muscular strenght and endurance for the exact type of running you need for triathlon...If I do well this year, it will be because of these Sat workouts so I highly encourage anyone looking for workout ideas to think about doing stuff like this - one thing I learned in college running is that if your workouts are harder than your races, you wont fear racing and, even on a bad day, you will race well... I am hoping the same priciple applys to triathlon....

Good Luck to James and the rest of the UVA tri people in CA next weekend!! I know James is ready to really lay down some fastness!

thurs/ fri mar 18/19

Thurs- pm bike, 90 mins easy, 20mi, hilly but super super easy, I am really really tired from being in the operating room all day, standing and retracting somone's pelvis open for 8 hrs straight..very very exhausted...need a mental and physical break for a day or two..

Fri- Wes came down to suprise me in roanoke yesterday and we finished the ride together...soooo great, totally re-energizing and just what I needed right now!! I am so happy he is here! Wes did 4.5+ hrs of training today..go Wes!

pm bike with wes 90 min, 20 mi- really easy, fun, great weather, slooow but feels good!! feeling better mentally and only 3 more days of my OBGYN rotation! Family medicine next will be sooo much easier to train and Ill have a lot more time to sleep too =) I have been getting 5-6 hours of sleep every night for the past month- this is completely unsustainable....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

wed March 17

pm run: 10 mi total, main w/o : 4x (8 min at 10k pace, 3 min easy)...I am feeling a bit tired...i either ran these pretty hard or my legs are heavy..not sure which but that is the beauty (or beast depending on how you look at it) of not being on the track and being without a garmin...

doing only one workout a day is great mentally...I even had time today to go out for a big fat mexican dinner and a margartia tonight with friends!! happy st. patricks day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tues march 16

A little chiller this week as it is my down week....(I am on a 3 week high volume, 1 week at lower volume plan to keep from burning out too quick- it is a looooong season!)

pm swim- 5k total, dustins workout, main set: 5x600 on 9:00 (times: 7:47, 7:46, 7:45, 7:47, 7:48) still hard to motivate swimming alone...I think the effort may have been too easy on these, oh well, i think i just need to try to maintain at this point cause I am not strong enough mentally to improve on my own with swimming yet.....bummer..ill just keep doing it as best i can for now....

Monday March 15

afternoon off from clinical duties means hammertime!

afternoon KEY BIKE WORKOUT - 3 hrs total, 50+ mi: main w/o- 3x30 mins hard at 30K TT pace, 5 mins easy in between intervals...the course was on the blue ridge parkway which is way more hilly than I wanted but the good news is I still averaged 19-20 mph with big hills and big big wind course is as tough as this one, even so- i would have liked to have been on a flatter course for better race simulation- oh well!! still was a killer workout....

brick run after- easy, 30 min, 4 miles steady 7:30-7:45ish pace....feels great to run easy...

weekly totals

Total time: 14:30 (low because i missed a key workout on sunday due to rain...did it on monday though so it will count for next week)

swim- 14,500 (better but still not good)

bike- 7 hours (looks a little low from big bike workout missed on sunday)

run- 28 miles

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday March 14

pm swim: 4k total, main set 500 moderate on 7:00, 2x100 hard on 1:30, 100 easy on 2:00, 400 moderate on 6:00, 2x100 hard on 1:30, 100 easy on 2:00, 300 moderate on 4:30, 2x100 hard on 1:30, 100 easy on 2:00, 200 moderate on 3:00, 2x100 hard on 1:30, 100 easy on 2:00

times: 500- 6:30, 400- 5:10, 300- 3:47, 200- 2:28, all 100s hard at 1:10-1:11...still hard to motivate with these solo swims....

workout courtesy of Dustin, like usual....

pm bike : 1:15 outside, zone 3 steady

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Marth Jeff race report

The race started quick with a 5:45 first mile, I was a little suprised by the pace but I felt like I was easing into it... the first 3 miles I ran with a girl named Louise on the ragged mountain racing team (the cville post collegiate development team) and wes and we kind of pushed the pace a bit on each other, Louised got ahead of me right before mile 2 and I kind of let her go a little- trying to just run in myself and not run to0 hard and she came back within a min or two, 2 miles was in 11:42...3mi in 17:22 (so the 5k was definately sub 18 (maybe 17:55ish)...which I havent done for a while- so I was certainly happy with that!) I just kept chugging along at a pretty consistant pace the whole time staying in myself and I just pulled away slowly right before mile 3 and then just kept pulling away slowly til the end, wes helped a lot at the end by letting me know how far ahead I was during the last mile...29:11 finish time...5:53/mi avg.. new course record!! (by 27 seconds)

so the racing tactics were not great on my part but that wasnt really my objective - (in a running race you should really just sit on someone's shoulder and let them do the work until you can put in a surge and drop then definatively and quickly either with a kick at the end or in the middle of the race if your kick is weak- the objective of this is when you make your move- you should leave no hope in their mind that they can stay with you, they will be much more likely to break and give up this way) however, I wasnt really trying to race as much as put in an even effort for a good controlled workout..

I felt great the whole time, trying to stay in myself and not put too much effort into the race. My goal was to do an effort in between racing and a threshold workout and I actually think I acheieved that pretty well- I never felt in extremis or anything close, I just kind of chugged along at an even pace and I feel great today so I think I didnt go too hard- which was my goal. I am very suprised at the finish time considering the effort wasnt at full race effort- Very strange but I wont complain...just going to keep working, I guess I am just getting really fit ?!?!?!...

Sat mar 13- martha jeff 8k

am race- 5mi race, 1st place female overall, 10th overall with men, 29:11 on a moderately hilly course with course record! (old record was 29:38)- with warm up and cool down total for day was 11 mi

am bike after- 2:15 total: 1:15 at davids house on the trainer easy, then another 1hr outside afterwards easy...felt good

mini race report to come this afternoon!

wed, thurs, fri mar 10-12

Wed- pm run, 10+ mi total: main w/o- 5x (4 min at 10k pace, 2 min easy, 2min at 5k pace, 1 min easy, 1 min 1500m pace, 30 sec easy, repeat with 4 min again)...

pm swim- 2500yds total: 1500 easy drills, 1000 stroke per distance

Thurs- pm swim: 4k total, main set 5x500 on 7:00 (times- 6:22, 6:25, 6:25, 6: 30, 6:30) getting a little burnt out on swimming alone in a cold dark pool...really hard for me to work hard by myself, I think I am just going to have to hope to maintain my swimming level until I move back to cville

pm bike- 1:10 total on trainer inside: 4x10mins at high cadence (rpm 100+), 5 min rest inbetween

Fri- off, worked too late and had to drive back to cville =(

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tues Mar 9

Getting bored of training alone again. I am excited because my husband wes told me he is going to run the Martha jefferson 8k with me this sat. We work really well together in races and I havent gotten to train when him as much since I have been in roanoke so I am excited to train with him again

afternoon- 40 mi bike on blueridge parkway- interval w/o: 8 x(5 mins at 30k TT pace, 2min easy, 2 mins at 10k TT pace, 1 min easy, repeat) 2:15 total

45 min, 6 mi run right after bike, zone 3 steady pace

pm swim- 4k total, main set: 2x (1x00- 5:10 for each, 2x200- 2:27 each, 4x100- 1:10-1:12 each)

time for more sleep

Moday March 8


worked the overnight shift 7pm-7am Sunday and monday night....terrible! not conducive to tri training at I am tired.......

Weekly totals, blue seventy-nunn update

Weekly totals:

18 hrs total (most yet)

swim 1300 (still not that great, but i am doing all my workouts solo for now so that is my excuse)

bike 10 hr (yes! finally met my goal for one week, haha)

run 34.5 (no need to go up here for me, happy my knee feels great!)

I decided not to do the blueseventy-nunn project after talking to several people, I think I can get a better deal if I wait a bit and put up some good results in some better races this year... got to believe in yourself in life, even if you are wrong- right? =))

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Mar 7

am- long run, 1:30, 12mi....did the martha jefferson 8k course in the middle in 37:30 at an easy pace so I was pretty happy with that...winning time is probably going to be right under 31:00 so we will see how next weekend goes- my plan is to do an effort inbetween racing and threshold so we will see what that is good for...

pm- easy bike with, my legs are really really tired...Craig was pulling away up the hills and i know he was doing an easy effort, i am obviously trashed at this point...was planning to take tomorrow off anyway because I start night shift work tonight - 7pm to 7am...going to be rough....then back in the next day at 4:00pm for another night shift...brutal

Saturday, March 6, 2010

sat mar 6

sweet day!

am- CRC, chipotle ride, 45 mi total, 2:20....first section I stay with the CRC group, they had a lot of pros out today and the pace was super super hot...but a lot of surges and hill sprinting so I didnt want to do it the whole ride cause that is not optimal tri training (if I can even hang the whole ride...) eric and I were the only triathletes able to hang so we were pretty outnumbered today....second 1/2 with triathlete group, pace much more managable but my legs were toast at that point so i just sucked the front group a bunch (like I pretty much always do on that ride, why do I get so lazy!?! It feels so much better to draft though!)

off the bike:
track workout: 7 mi total, main w/o was 6x800m on the track, descending by 2s, splits: 3:03, 3:02, 2:52, 2:52, 2:46, 2:44....psyched!! these are really fast splits for me, esp after a really hard 45 mi ride....awesome stuff!! wes was out in front helping me with the pace the whole time (thanks wes!) and eric and rick suffered through it with us too...everyone did great and is running really fast! wahoo!

Fri Mar 5

afternoon swim- 3k total, 1 hr: 1000 variety of drills (100x (right arm, left arm, freestyle kick switch, catch ups, finger drags, fist, slow perfect swim, sculling, dolphin kick on back, right/left arm)), 1000 stroke per distance- I am at 12 per length now, 700 drills- same thing, 300 paddles

feels good to do stroke work, i need more of it!

pm bike- 1 hr easy spin, 12mi, on bluerigde parkway so it is really hilly but just went super super easy, zone 1 type easy....does anyone ever do zone 1 anymore??

Thursday, March 4, 2010

thur mar 4

pm run- easy 7mi , 56 mins, easy but lots of hills, up and down mill mountain in roanoke twice...good to get off the flats here for a bit

pm swim- 4k, 1:10: main set 4x(3x100 hard on 1:25, 100 easy on 1:30) hit the hard ones all at 1:10-1:13....then 3x300 descending- last 300 was 3:43....

on other news: i just got notice that I have been accepted onto the blueseventy-nunn elite team...we will see what happens with this, not 100% sure i am going to sign the contract yet- ill blog more on it later...have to make sure i can still represent UVA at collegiate nats.....good news either way though!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

wed mar 3

Blah...getting the training alone blues...

felt lazy today

pm bike- 2 hrs on trainer steady pace, pretty relaxed, blah! I need little triathlon servants to come to roanoke and be my training friends and conform to my ridiculous schedule all the time...blahhness..........

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

tues mar 2

pm- swim- 4 k total, one of dustin crazy hard workouts: main set- 10x 300 with the odds hard and evens easy all on the 4:30....I did the hard ones all at 3:45- which is not great but not bad considering I am doing this by myself in the pool and God did not make me to do workouts alone....

got immediately on the treadmill cuase it is dark and snowy outside....

1:10 total, 9 mi: 15 min warm up, then 4x (8 min hard, 4 min easy continuous fartlek) I did the first interval at 6:30 pace, 2nd one at 6:20 pace, 3rd one at 6:10 pace and the last one between 5:50 and 6:00 pace....felt pretty good, not too hard...i am happy with the effort I am able to do on the treadmill cause running is more painful and usually slower for me than running running is coming back slowly but surely!

Mon mar 1

only a month and a half to collegiate nats!

am swim- 2k of easy drills, 1000 straight of distance per stroke- I am at 14 to 15 strokes /lap right now- not fantastic but I am only 5 foot 5inches- but still that is a weak excuse...1000 of drill variety...

pm bike- 3 hrs total, 55 mi: 1 hr outside on the blueridge parkway- lots of climbing and steady hills- zone 3ish....then came inside after dark and got on the trainer for another 2 hrs of 3x30 min aerobic intervals..i am very happy with this workout cause i kind of just made it up as i went which made it go by quick.....